What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Spiders in My House?

Cool breezes and falling leaves show signs that autumn is near. While we prepare for cool weather, you might say “Eek! I have spiders in my house!” as they search for a warm place to stay. If you have spider problems lurking around every corner, you don’t have to accept these pests in your house for long.
Your search to get rid of spiders in your house ends here for Baltimore homeowners. We’ll show you how you can get spiders out of your home and keep them at bay through autumn and beyond.
Get Rid of Spiders in My House: A Super Brief Spider Guide
What Are the Types of Spiders in Maryland?
In the Baltimore area, there are about a dozen common spiders you might find in your house. However, there are hundreds of spider species in Maryland and over 40,000 species worldwide.
If you find spiders in your house, you’ll likely encounter the following:
- Common house spiders, which usually build messy and tangled webs near windows
- Black widow spiders, which have the classic black body and a red patch on the abdomen
- Crab spiders, typically viewed as useful as they eat other insect pests
- Jumping spiders, mainly found in barns and sheds
- Nursery web spiders, hairy in appearance with a dark stripe running down the back of them
- Orb weavers, coming with a leg span of up to 2.5 inches. They create large circular webs that can span two feet across.
Are Maryland Spiders Venomous?
The truth is that a lot of spiders in Maryland have venom. The only spider native to Maryland that’s dangerous to humans is the black widow. The other venomous spiders don’t produce enough to harm humans, or their venom is designed to kill specific types of prey.
Furthermore, spider bites are a lot rarer than you think. In fact, some previously diagnosed brown recluse spider bites were later found to be a staph infection or MRSA.
If a spider does bite, it’s normally for self-defense.
How Do Spiders Get in My House?

Now that you know the common types of spiders that get into your home, let’s talk about how they get inside Baltimore homes.
Spiders are crafty creatures that can get into your home in several areas. This includes foundational cracks, pipes, plumbing, and small gaps around pipes.
They can also gain entrance by way of open windows as you enjoy the fresh breeze. Doors and air vents are two other common entry points for spiders.
Once spiders are in your home, where they like to hide depends on the species. You’ll find some spiders in basements in bathtubs because they are attracted to moisture. Other spiders prefer hiding in light fixtures or high corners of rooms.
How to Get Rid of Spiders in My House
Once you spot a spider, your first instinct is most likely to get rid of it. There are several effective (and not so effective) approaches to removing spiders from your home.
First, beware of wives’ tales when it comes to getting rid of spiders. For example, an old wives’ tale is using walnuts and chestnuts to get rid of spiders. This is a myth debunked by The Burke Museum in Seattle, Washington.
Another myth is using Osage oranges, also known as hedge apples or spider balls. Green, round, and lumpy in appearance, these fruits are touted as a natural spider repellent. The Burke Museum also claims this is unproven, although studies show there is a slight cockroach repellent with these fruits.
Now that the wives’ tales are out of the way, let’s talk about how to get rid of the spiders effectively.
DIY Spider Treatment for Inside Your House

Getting rid of spiders in your home is a process that takes place both inside and outside the home. This is how to approach the removal of spiders inside the home.
Clear Out Clutter
Cleaning up clutter can help get rid of spiders. This is because clutter gives spiders the perfect place to hide, whether it’s in your basement, attic, or in a spare room.
Once the clutter is clear from your home, get out your vacuum. You’ll want to sweep the floors, but also use the attachment to reach the ceiling. Spiders will hide up in the corners of rooms and you will likely find cobwebs as well.
Set Spider Traps
Spider traps are a temporary fix to cutting down on an indoor population of spiders. There are many different traps to consider.
Some are entirely non-poisonous and use glue to trap spiders inside. Others contain toxic chemicals to kill the spiders.
Either way, you are required to dispose of the spider whether it’s dead or alive. You’ll also have to keep checking the traps to see if spiders are inside. The other downside is that it will not affect spider eggs if there is a nest in your house. You’ll have to wait until they hatch to enter the traps.
DIY Spider Treatment Outside Your Home

Now that you addressed the inside of your home, let’s move to the exterior. Spider-proofing the outside of your house can help ensure that the inside remains spider free.
Change Your Exterior Light Bulbs
What do light bulbs have to do with spiders? Outdoor lighting attracts prey that spiders like to eat. This is why you might see an influx of spider webs outside your exterior doors.
The worst type of light bulbs to use outside are traditional incandescent bulbs. The best for repelling insects are warm-colored LED lights that produce a yellow or orange hue.
Clean Out Your Gutters
Gutters full of debris will ultimately clog and pool with water. This water can attract a variety of insects that ultimately attracts spiders. Tend to your gutters this autumn season and ensure there are no blockages.
Fill Cracks and Crevices
Spiders can find the smallest cracks to gain entrance into your home. This might involve patching cracks in your concrete foundation. Make sure all pipe holes are properly filled and there are no holes in your window screens.
What About Spider Repellents?
Spider repellents are available to spray on plants as well as contact sprays for webs. It is possible to use these products to kill spiders, but you must consider the safety of children and pets.
Get Rid of Spiders Inside My House: Spider Extermination
If you’re serious about getting rid of spiders in your house, professional pest control for spiders is the best approach. Brody Brothers Pest Control can help you identify the types of spiders inside your home.
From there, we can take the best and most effective course of action to get rid of spiders. This includes getting rid of spiders without compromising the health and safety of kids or pets.
When you’re ready eliminate spiders in your home for good, contact Brody Brother’s Pest Control and protect your home.