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Grass Spiders

Grass Spiders
Class: arachnid
Other Names: Funnel weaver (after the funnel shape of its web)
Color: yellowish brown to brown with lengthwise dark markings along its back
Size: .4 to .7 inches, with males smaller than females
Legs: 8
Diet: insects
Hazard: Minimal. These spiders are timid and rarely bite.
Interesting Fact: Grass spiders could use glasses: they have very poor vision, and must catch their prey by feeling vibrations on their webs.
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Grass Spiders Spin Flat Webs

Have you ever walked out on a sunny morning and notice the dew hanging on a large, flat web in the grass or on a brush pile? You may have been looking at the creation of a grass spider.

You may spot the grass spider if you look closely at one side of its web. Look for:

  • Yellowish brown to brown color
  • Dark, longitudinal bands extending along its back
  • 8 eyes arranged in three rows: 2 in the front, four in the middle and 2 widely spaced eyes in the back
  • Prominent spinnerets (silk-producing organs)
Fast mover

Grass spiders spin their webs on grass, weeds, ground covers, gardens and other open areas. The sheet-like webs have a tunnel at one side where the spider hides while waiting for its prey. After a barrier web catches flying insects and forces them into the main web, the grass spider rushes out, captures the insect and takes it back to its tunnel for later consumption.

Females lay egg sacs from late summer into fall. The eggs hatch the following spring; the adults do not make it through the winter.

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Autumn guest?

Although grass spiders generally prefer living outdoors they do sometimes try to sneak inside as the weather gets colder in the fall. If one does make it into your home, don’t be alarmed; they are timid and non-aggressive spiders that can bite but usually do not.

If a grass spider tries to get inside:

  • Remove it (and its web if has tried to make one) with a vacuum cleaner
  • Seal up any cracks or crevices where the spider might enter
  • Look for any signs of egg sacs and remove them before spring when they would hatch

While you may not need help getting rid of grass spiders from your home, it’s always good to know that you have backup for whatever pest problem you can’t handle on your own. Give Brody Brothers a call today so we can begin keeping your home pest-free.